More about Jurema Root Bark or Mimosa Hostilis
Excellent quality Brazilian Jurema root bark. Whole cut pieces of mature root bark sustainably harvested. Jurema in general gets stronger the further north you get. This one was harvested wild in the Catinga, the Savana of the Brazilian Northeast. Members of the Catimbó religion do the harvesting for us. Catimbó is the Jurema religion of the northeast that mixes indigenous with spiritist practices. They are carriers of the mysteries of this plant and its spiritual practices and know the ancient way to harvest the bark. They only harvest the root bark of mature specimens, and only harvest one side so as not to kill the for them sacred Mimosa Hostilis tree.
What is Mimosa Hostilis?
The local inhabitants make a distinction between Jurema Branca e Preto, White or Black Jurema. Black being the Hostilis and the more concentrated one they use in the tribal and religious ceremonies in Brazil. The indigenous tribes of the Catinga have used this since ancient times to receive their visions and communicate with their ancestors. Some people say that before loosing much of their culture they had a second ingredient that worked as an inhibitor. This is not confirmed, it is also possible they have always just used it by itself.
Mimosa Hostilis botanical information
Mimosa hostilis, or Mimosa tenuiflora is a perennial evergreen shrub of the Leguminosae (Pea family). Native to the northeastern region of Brazil and found as far north as southern Mexico. It is one of scores of Mimosa species and cognates. The white, fragrant flowers occur in loosely cylindrical spikes. The fern-like branches have leaves that are finely pinnate, growing to 5 cm long. The brittle fruits average 3 cm long. The plant itself grows to 4 meters in height.
Buy Mimosa Hostilis
At Maya we sell the finest natural Mimosa Hostilis Jurema root bark from the north east of Brazil, we have two options and we also have the Mexican variety.
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