What is Jagube? Is it the same as caapi?
Banisteriopsis caapi, also called Jagube, Mariri, or simply caapi is a woody vine native to the Amazonian basin that has been traditionally used in secular rituals of sacred medicine and healing, and with scientifically proven benefits that may aid in the treatment of various ailments, including certain neurological disorders. The vines are known to contain, amongst its many components, alkaloids and polyphenols, which are the reason behind its anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and antioxidant properties.
Medicinal benefits of caapi
Studies on the medical benefits of caapi have concluded that alkaloids in its composition can promote growth and development of new nervous tissue, a process also called neurogenesis, which contributes to the proliferation and migration of neural stem cells.
In addition, it can work to increase certain chemicals related to the hippocampus, the brain area believed to be the control center of memory, emotions, and autonomic nervous system.
Jagube vines can work wonders for the upkeep of mental and emotional health, and due to their antidepressant agents, may become present in the treatment of addiction, PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
Maya’s Caapi 10:1
Because this product is a concentrate of Banisteriopsis caapi, the possible therapeutic effects offered by this plant are particularly present and potent in every dosage.
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