Mexican Jurema Root Bark (Mimosa Hostilis)
Excellent quality whole Mexican Jurema root bark. The best Mimosa Hostilis. Large deep red pieces, ethically and sustainably wild harvested in Mexico.
Mimosa Hostilis
Mimosa hostilis, or Mimosa tenuiflora is a perennial evergreen shrub of the Leguminosae or Pea family. Mimosas are part of the acacia family and they occur all over the planet from Australia, to South East Asia, the Middle East and so on. Jurema grows naturally in the northeastern region of Brazil and can be found all the way north to the southern part of Mexico. Jurema has white plume like fragrant flowers. The leaves are of the normal leguminosa type and are very small. The fruits are tiny and brittle. The twisted trees grow to about 4 meters high.
How to use Jurema root bark?
Mimosa Hostilis is traditionally used for a variety of uses from medicinal, to natural dye to spiritual. The Jurema bark makes a beautiful deep red dye for textiles.
Buy Jurema root bark
Maya offers a few Mimosa Hostilis types from Brazil and Mexico but also other Acacia varieties from around the world.
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