More about Sacred Incense Palo Santo
Finely cut and sifted Palo Santo wood from Peru. Genuine Palo Santo comes from naturally fallen trees, and this one comes from area Lambayeque, Olmos, Peru. Suitable to burn on Charcoal disks, or to produce your own incense mixtures.
Packed in plastic pots containing 15 grams.
Palo Santo Description
Palo Santo, or “Holy Wood” or “Sacred tree” is a natural aromatic incense wood, used for centuries by the Incas as a spiritual remedy for purifying and cleansing and to get rid of evil spirits, misfortune and calamity. Burning the wood helps to create an overall peaceful and purifying effect.
It has a wonderfully calming, soothing fragrance, with a powerful energy. Palo Santo is harvested under government supervision by the native peoples of the Amazonian region of South America. The trees from which they collect the windfall from the ground are one thousand year old trees. For many generations they consider it sacred by the indigenous peoples for many generations.
You can burn the powdered or shredded wood on charcoal discs.
Other names: Bursera graveolens, Palo de la vida, Sacred Wood, Holy wood, St. Anthony`s wood, Palosanto, Mallka Waki.
Palo Santo History
Palo Santo has been used by the Incas for generations. Shamans in the Andean mountains still use the wood as part of their curing rituals. In Ayahuasca ceremonies they often use it. Its sacred properties and distinctly enjoyable aroma have only very recently been rediscovered by modern man. Nowadays in the streets of Quito you can be find it when the salesmen shout “Palo Santo, to clean your house of bad energy”, “Brings good luck”.
The essential oil of the Palo Santo tree has many applications in aromatherapy. They still use Palo Santo in Kambo treatments to help expel negative energies and toxins from the body by waving the smoke directly under the face of the patient while under the influence of the venom.
Plant Info
Bursera graveolens belongs to the Burseraceae (Copal family). It inhabits the South American Gran Chaco region (northern Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and the Brazilian Mato Grosso). Also on the coast of Ecuador its is common . It is related to the Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) tree.
The Bursera graveolens tree has no branches on the lower part of the trunk, and within a radius of several yards not a leaf or a blade of grass will grow. It is a soft, light wood, usually found near the river banks, and is the favorite haunt of colonies of the Brazilian fire ant, a vicious insect with an extremely painful bite.
Touch the tree, and armies of these ants rush out from holes in the trunk eager to attack, even dropping from branches above on to the trespasser.
Aged heartwood is rich in essential oils such as limonene and alpha-pinene
Palo Santo has both a deep enjoyable wooden aroma as well as a nice warming middle range and a wonderful sweet top range to it. Palo Santos wide range of enjoyable aromatic notes seems to be uniquely uncharacteristic to any single aromatic component. Burning a small piece of wood gives a peaceful warm atmosphere and leads you into a pleasant relaxed state of mind.
For those who love to experiment with the alchemy of combined scents, it goes very well with the following incenses: Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), White Sage (Salvia apiana) and Copal (Dacryoides peruviana).
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