Peganum Harmala – Syrian Rue
Seeds – Powdered
Powdered Syrian Rue (Peganum Harmala) seeds, from Pakistan. Some countries CITES regulations do not allow importing Syrian Rue seeds, or seeds in general. For that purpose we have Rue seeds available in this powdered (and unregulated) form.
Description Peganum harmala – Syrian Rue
Peganum Harmala is a member of the Zygophyllaceae (Caltrop family). Native to the deserts of India, it’s habitat stretches through the Gobi desert into the former Soviet Union and to all Mediterranean country’s and central Asia.
Growing from a perennial woody rootstock, Peganum Harmala is a bright-green, densely foliaged, herbaceous succulent. Although its smooth many-branched stems may have a spread of 120 cm or more, the plant is rarely over 60cm tall and generally appears round and bushy in habit. Its leaves are 6cm long, born singly and finely divided into long narrow segments. Each year between June and August, It produces many single white conspicuous flowers. Measuring 2 to 4 cm across, these blooms have five oblong-elliptic petals as well as five narrow sepals of slightly longer length. Each flower has the potential to develop into a fruit. A leathery, three valved seed capsule stands erect on its stalk, each capsule measuring about 1cm in diameter and containing more than fifty dark-brown, angular seeds.
Cultivation is easy. Sow seed in very sandy soil. Provide shade for the first year, then plant out in sunny, dry location. It will tolerate freezing and wet conditions. Space plants minimal 50 cm apart.
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