More about Dragon’s Blood (Croton Lechleri)
Dragon’s Blood or Sangre de Grado, belongs to the Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family) and is a medium-sized to large tree that grows from 10-20 meters high in the upper Amazon region of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. Although tall, the trunk is usually less than 30 cm in diameter and is covered by smooth, mottled bark. It has large, heart-shaped, bright-green leaves and unique, greenish-white flowers on long stalks. When the trunk of the tree is cut or wounded, a dark red, sappy resin oozes out as if the tree is bleeding, earning this local name. The genus Croton is a large one. It has 750 species of trees and shrubs distributed across the tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres. Crotons are rich in active alkaloids, and several species are well-known medicinal plants used as purgatives and tonics.
Dragon’s Blood traditional use
In the Amazon region of Peru, Ecuador and Brazil, in the tropical forests, is the Dragon’s Blood (Croton lechleri) tree. The healing power of its latex is well known since ancient times by the native inhabitants. The first written reference on its medicinal uses dates back to the seventeenth century. It was documented by the Spanish naturalist Bernabé Cobo: “Then I saw that the Indians use the latex to seal wounds of the skin.”
People say that Dragon’s Blood speeds up the healing of cuts and infections. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties thus serving as a first aid treatment of insect bites, acne, burns and haemorrhoids. Its healing quality is thought to be due to the high content of the alkaloid taspine, and its antiviral properties due to the presence of antiviral compound SP-303.
Our Dragon Blood is 100% pure and natural.
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