More about Sabio Blanco Incense from India
Sabio Blanco Incense from India, contains white sage, one of the most popular herbs in the world. It has been used for centuries to cleanse, purify and maintain health and can help people with anxiety, depression, fatigue and even menopausal symptoms.
Through the power of nature, incense can make any environment purer. Each natural ingredient has a specific property that makes the spaces lighter.
Incense from India – Sabio Blanco has phytoenergetic properties, that is, they are able to stimulate positive influences in energy fields
SabioBlanco is a traditional incense made from selected woods, resins, florals and fine essential oils, all expertly blended with expert care and love. Its best known precious line of incense comes in a variety of floral flowers, exotic wood and traditional resin fragrances.
Being found in many ceremonies with spiritual use, such as Native American rituals or Buddhist meditation practices. White Sage is an herb that is commonly used in cleansing and purifying rituals that are performed to help raise negative energy.
The smell of white sage incense is “wooded” and “unseed”, it is strong, but not overwhelming. If you like these smells, then this type of incense will be perfect for you. It’s also a great way to keep your house smelling fresh.
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