More about Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium brevicornum)
Leaves of Horny Goat weed (Epimedium brevicornum) harvested in China.
Epimedium, Berberidaceae (Barberry family), is a small ground bearing shrub with broad heart shaped leaves that resemble ground ivy. Native to China, many Epimedium species are now grown as an ornamental herb in Asia and the Mediterranean region. There are evergreen and deciduous kinds (the latter have rich green leaves in summer which turn copper and gold before falling). The flowers vary between species from white to yellow and red.
In traditional Chinese medicine Horny Goat Weed has been used to treat erectile disfunction. It is said to increase sperm count because of the ingredient icariin. Scientific studies have been done showing promising results. You can find a variety of peer reviewed studies showing very positive results.
According to Nature peer reviewed science magazine:
Epimedium brevicornum Maxim (EbM) has been reputed to have sexual stimulation effects on males. The study is aimed to test the hypothesis that EbM extracts relaxed the corpus cavernosum (CC) smooth muscle through activation of multitargets on nitric oxide (NO)/cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) signaling pathway. Water extract of EbM and its subfraction (EP-20) were prepared and standardized by high-performance liquid chromatography. Isolated rabbit CC strips were mounted in organ baths and isometric tension was recorded in the presence or absence of specific inhibitors
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